Since I last blogged, so much has happened. I am happy to report that I lost 27 lbs! I switched from Jenny Craig to the holy grail of meal plans. Lindora! I didn't visit a Lindora weight loss center, as some may think. My friend suggested I follow the high protein, low carb meal plan that was given to her when she enrolled at Lindora. It is my understanding that Lindora supplements participants with B12 shots and food products that are sold in store. I decided to mix it up a bit and opted to skip out on the expensive Lindora shakes and bars-instead I swapped them for Atkins products. Everything else on the meal plan remained the same. In the first month, I had dropped a whopping 15 lbs! I was so proud of myself. I was able to find balance and still enjoy delicious foods, as long as I remained mindful of my carb intake. Everything was perfect!!! But then...... in the midst of my weight loss joy, I found myself pregnant both emotion AND a baby! :)
I am expecting my first little one-due April 2016. I am enjoying every facet of pregnancy for the time being---- but as soon as my baby arrives, I plan to go full force into Lindora! I got this!
I did it once, I can do it again.
My pre- pregnancy weight: 166
Current weight:184
21 Weeks pregnant
I'll keep you guys posted.